Hey there!
As polish lovers and collectors, we all have our never-ending, always growing wishlist. There are polishes that we REALLY want and polishes that we would kill for. Then there are the others that we think we will never get a chance to hold or see in person let alone own. I've been lucking out lately with lemming and wishes through blog sales and eBay. The polish Gods have been smiling upon me! One of those VHTF polishes I never thought I'd ever get my claws on was China Glaze's Spellbound. Talk about a HTF glitter, MAN! One day I saw it on a blog sale and not only did my eyes bulge out of my head, but I took a double take at the price tag - a mere $4! I mean, WOW! Here we go! :D

Yep, that's right. Soak it on in. Spellbound is flipping AAMMAAZZIINNGG! It shines so bright like tiny mirrors sitting in the sun with hints of orange breaking through. Speechless. Spellbound, you are one of my favorite all-time glitters. Congratulations. This glitter phenom came out in China Glaze's 2009 collection. Ah, that's right, now I need Fortune Teller as well... Anyhoo, from what I can tell Spellbound is a grande mixture of Large round silver glitter that makes for most of the opaqueness of the polish and is joined by orange micro-glitter and hex-glitter. This is three coats. After seeing this polish in person , I knew it was meant to stand alone. No black polish to help it stand out, it does that on it's own. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.
Have a great day!